Friday, January 23, 2009

Home Sweet Home~

After a long drive back home from Bandar Utama, I was like a body walking without a soul. I was very tired but still managed to remain conscious to send my friends safely back home. Today was a very long day. My Penang friend actually came to my hometown and decided to stay at my hometown. I took her around my hometown and 'forced' her to eat all the nice food around. We are now 'stuffed' and satisfied.

English lessons this week was boring. After all those lessons, all I know is that writing essay is no joke and quite troublesome. All those years in secondary school, I did not really learn how to compose an essay step by step. The head, the neck, the body and the legs. Oh dear, the words 'hard work' floated in my mind instead of a human like paragraph... Maybe I should get more examples of how to construct a proper paragraph?

Oh, we did the role play too~ Well, I was a bit disappointed actually. I thought our group was quite funny especially Izatti's 'eggs go rotten'. The group after us who acted for Mrs Pratchett's revenge was so funny. My friend who was sitting beside me even laughed until her tears came out. I like the way 'Mrs Pratchett' and 'Mr. Coombes' kept on saying 'I'm much obliged to you'. It was very obvious that they did it purposely but it was very funny! By the way I think I saw Mr. Derrick smiled? Why didn't he laugh? The whole class laughed very hard. Oh! I like Hafiz's poster-wanted for murderer.

It's nearly Chinese New Year. I think I overspent this month. I bought too much things. I should stop it before I have to declare bankruptcy. I should listen to my father's advice that I need to save money so that I can prepare for the extra expenses when I got to go to Australia. I hope I can fly. I'll strive for it, so no complaints about the work load. I think these will be my new year wish. Smile~

Now I noticed that I always do my blog on Friday night. Hahah... How I miss this internet connection at home. I don't have to sweat and wait for the slow wifi anymore~ But unfortunately, it's only for 1 week. 1 week of holiday is not enough~ x_x

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